Always amused by how games affect our daily lives in different dimensions, especially when students start to ask you how to play some specific songs they heard out of some games, there we were having our first experience of another influence by games, the RPG-like 3D browser by Three-B International. Got this interesting information from the class, I turned on my PC and started to download the program right away when I got home last night. This is really fun that I spent some time choosing the outfit for my Avatar who I decided to be a hot chic which you would say is a total opposite of me. And then began to explore and play with this new stuff for like two hours after I first started it. The interface is just like when you start a new game, there are options for you to choose. The most interesting, or the smartest part is, you can choose from cities and categories that you are willing to see and explore. And you can really move around by walking, running, taking taxi, subway or by plane. The cool thing is, once you entered the city, and the category you like, there are endless sites(well, sure there are a certain amount of websites, but it's hard for you to finish them all, you know...) for you to discover. And you can choose the theme you like for the layout, just like how you do it with your blog! There are many different cool and amazing layouts to select, and my favorite one is the "Christmas" theme which sparkles with Christmas trees and gifts, and elks rest with bobsleds on the side. Now do you feel the warmth of the holiday even if it's quite cold outside? Done with the appearance, now let's get back to business. I started to try the functions of the browser. Basically I think it's quite a nice browser to use. It reads JavaScript and Flash well, and it also uses tabs like Firefox and Opera. The interface is almost the same as Firefox. I just have this feeling that it's just like how Firefox works. But you can say all browsers work the same way from some sort of aspect. Like all the other browsers, you have the buttons for Home , reload current page, stop loading, go back one page and go forward one page. The only difference is, besides these selections, there is one button for you to switch between the Web view and the 3B view. Once you're done with the page you're viewing, you can switch back to the 3B view to keep walking around the village you're in. Finishing the pros of it, now it's time for the cons. I don't know why, but 3B is like Opera, when you open a page, they both take more time than Internet Explorer and Firefox loading pictures. I have no idea how it works, but it's like they reload the page and images every time you start it. Don't cookies work for this purpose to save some time? But Firefox and Explorer don't have this kind of problem when they open a page for the first time. One annoying thing is the big navigation toolbar which I think is taking too much space on it. But the big navigation bar function is cool that when you are in the 3B view, the web you were in would be on the top for you to switch back, and vice versa. The Full Screen function is all the same except Opera that would clear every thing but the content of the page on your screen that I think is fancy and neat for viewing. Once you want to do some change you will still want it as the Explorer and 3B which are both very user-friendly in this aspect. The best part of one thing could also be the worst. For this 3B browser, because it starts with the 3D interface, it takes time loading those images for the fancy appearance, and for the different functions for you to choose, as well as the huge selections of Cities and Categories. If you're in a hurry searching for something, you will definitely NOT want to use it because you'll need plenty of time waiting for the start-up process. You will want to use Firefox instead which I think is the fastest and the stablest of them all. Despite of these disadvantages, which aren't really big problems, I have enjoyed using this fun and new 3D browser, and think it will become my default browser for a while.
*The Full Screen picture shows even in the full screen mode, it still has the big navigation bar. The parts I marked are the places and the button for Web/3B view switching.
*This picture shows when I'm in the 3B view, the web page I was viewing would be on the top for me to switch back.
*The Full Screen picture shows even in the full screen mode, it still has the big navigation bar. The parts I marked are the places and the button for Web/3B view switching.
*This picture shows when I'm in the 3B view, the web page I was viewing would be on the top for me to switch back.
Hi Ying
I'm from 3B. Just to let you know, 3B comes bundled with a rebranded version of Firefox. That's why it feels so similar! It's Firefox with the 3D added on top.
Thanks for using 3B and get in touch with us at if you have any suggestions on stuff you'd like to see in 3B.
Hi, thanks for your reading this and the message!!
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